Malaysians and Traffic Lights



In Malaysia, traffic lights have come a long was since it’s humble begining many years ago.

Fun Fact : The first traffic light was invented by John Peake Knight in the year 1868.

Nowadays, traffic lights  in Malaysia have seen an evolution in its definition and function of every respective light. The new traffic light definition is more subjective and personal. It is like they have somewhat adapted the HP 2006 campaign of ‘The Computer is Personal Again’ and made it into ‘The Traffic Light is Personal Again’.  Motorcyclist are the majority early adopters of this new definition of the traffic light.


Traditional definition
Red : Stop
Amber : Prepare to stop
Green : Go


Evolved definition
Red : If there are no vehicles visible, might as well larrr.
Amber : Still can macha. Still can make it.
Green : Ensure there are no other users beating the other red lights. Proceed if clear.
On a serious note : Please comply to the rules. You may save yourself and someone else from a whole lot of unnecessary injuries and problems. TQ.

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